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Christmas tree care

1. Place tree in an unheated area (outdoors, cool porch or patio with Northern exposure, garage) until you are ready to decorate. An area that will provide protection from sun and wind will help the tree retain its moisture. 

2. Before bringing the tree indoors, thoroughly check branches for nests (you don't want uninvited guests), vines, weeds, or anything that looks like it doesn't belong in the tree.

3. If possible, bring the tree to a partially heated area the night before decorating. 

4. Make a fresh, straight across cut in the trunk about 1/2 inch up from original cut and plunge the tree end immediately (within minutes) into fresh water. If you allow the water level to drop below the trunk, a seal will form and a new cut will be necessary. As long as the tree keeps drinking water, it will be fire resistant. 

5. Trees are THIRSTY! They may drink between 2 pints and a gallon of water per day, so make sure to check daily and supply fresh water as needed. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THE USE OF TREE PRESERVATIVES. Recent studies show that tap water alone is the most effective aid in maximizing needle retention.

6. Lowering the thermostat a few degrees, while not at home or while sleeping, in the room that contains the tree, will enhance needle retention.

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